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2024 Upper Deck Marvel Studios Black Panther Wakanda Forever Trading Card Hobby Box

2024 Upper Deck Marvel Studios Black Panther Wakanda Forever Trading Card Hobby Box

定價 HK$780.00
定價 售價 HK$780.00
特價 補貨中

6 cards per pack
15 packs per box
12 boxes per case

Collect a 90-Card Base Set and look out for themed insert cards that explore the world of Wakanda and Talokan. The thrill continues with BIG HITS such as: Talent Autograph Cards, Metal Cards, Etched Foil and low serial numbered cards!

Find an impressive list of Talent Autographed Cards, plus the chance to pull autographs with an inscription from one of the main cast!

Discover plenty of exciting tech cards such as Metal Cards and Themed Etched Foil Cards!

Hunt for incredible CASE HITS: Beneath the Surface SP, Submerged Inserts, Vibranium (Metal Cards), and Etch Foil/LTFX Cards (Radiant Royalty + SPs and Precious Metal Gems Magenta)!

Also, find CHASE HITS in Black Panther Wakanda Forever: Ensemble Autograph parallel, Beneath the Surface Autographs, Submerged Signatures, Vibranium Autographs, Autographs, Horizontal Autographs, Valuable Resource – Autographs, Dual Autographs, Triple Autographs, and Advanced Nations Autographs!

庫存不足:剩餘 2 件

